eNews | Thursday 19th Jan

Dear eNews Friends & Family,

Victory over the darkness

I am so glad that when we read the creation account in Genesis that God’s first words on observing the void, the emptiness and the darkness were not ‘it’s really dark out there’, but His first words were 'let there be light', and light was.We could say of our present world it’s really dark out there, but pointing out the obvious isn’t going to change anything.Instead, we are called to be people of the light, walk in the light, live in the light, speak of the light, show that light. Even the tiniest glow can be seen when it’s pitch black. Remember the children’s song we used to sing in Sunday school,  This little light of mine I’m going to let it shine?The thing is, this light isn’t little but mighty and powerful since it’s the light of the Word, light of the gospel and the light of Jesus Himself.This Sunday Pastor Mike Mckeever is helping us all get into the Word and understand ‘light living’We have used Gideon’s victory story as a template for this series, and with only 300 men he overcame 100,000 troops plus hoards of warring camels with nothing but unity amongst his men, a trumpet, a broken pot and a LIGHT.Victory over the darkness happens when we are people of the lightDon’t miss this Sundays message. Invite friends to church or connect online.

Coming up - 3 BIG things to tell you about

The Master’s Class In Ministry - starting Saturday 28th JanuaryThis is a must for everyone wanting to learn and grow. You might never get the opportunity to come full time to Destiny College but now you have this opportunity with this unique ‘tailor made’ moment. I would strongly encourage you to come to this, all ages are welcome and people from all churches are welcome. The course is available and accessible in person or on zoom.

Here is a special message from Narcisa Owen, Dean of Destiny College:https://youtu.be/8WFvf21A0bs 

Click here for more info and to sign up

One in Worship with Sir. Brian Souter, Sunday 5th February, 11am Glasgow Southside & Online

Sir. Brian is a billionaire philanthropist, hugely successful businessman who started with nothing- now giving millions away each year to those in need and to promote the gospel.He’s an outstanding witty communicator, and this really is a great meeting to bring your friends to. I know many people will come to know Jesus on this day.

Encounter, Sunday 5th February 6pm Glasgow Southside

This will be our first encounter of the year, but this one is very important in that we will be setting in Elders, so creating a team of Elders (known as a presbytery) to oversee Destiny Church Scotland, with each having local specific responsibilities- a BIG moment for the church.Pray for me, I’m in Dallas with a full on week of amazing doors, opportunities and relationships that God is opening for us all, and also catching up with Matt & Victoria who will soon be with us in Scotland very soon.

Back for the weekend, see you then.

Love you guysAndrew


February Prayer & Fasting | Day 1 | Wednesday 1st February


Week of Prayer & Fasting | Day 7 | Sunday 15th January