eNews | Fri 13th Aug '21

Dear e-News friends & church family,

Do you know what you’ve got?

There once lived a very wealthy American Publisher by the name of William Randolph Hearst. With his great wealth, he loved collecting things, especially ancient artefacts and works of art.One day he saw a particular item spoken of in a magazine and thought I must acquire that.He hired a private researcher to go out around the world to find it.After many months the researcher reported back saying, ‘I have good news and I have great news’. He went on to say, ‘I have found the artefact and you already own it.’He had so much, he didn’t know what he had.This week I start a very important series called ‘Forgotten Treasure’, we will be looking at vital truth disclosing what we have and who we are as believers. I guarantee that although we have taught some of these things before, much will be a brand new revelation for so many since we haven’t taught on them for some time. Each week we will look at a unique and different subject.My prayer and hope with this series is that God will confirm the word taught with signs following - just like He promised, and our lives will move on and up to a whole new level.Although the churches are being left behind by the Scottish government as Covid rules change, and we all think the present situation unfair and contradictory, strong representation is being made and we hope to be as free as the nightclubs or the stadiums really soon. Nevertheless, we are back live in many centres and we invite you to join us.Edinburgh | In-person ServiceGlasgow | In-person ServicesChurch Online On September 5th, we are together as one, for a very special celebration, and we will all be at our Destiny Edinburgh Gorgie Building 11.00 am. On this day we will be laying hands on several people, ordaining them into office. Buses and mini-buses will be made available to get everyone there. This will not only be a great meeting but a wonderful day of fellowship catching up with people we may not have seen for a long time. We will also receive a special offering for two very needy causes:

  • A food distribution amongst widows in India who have suffered greatly.
  • German families who have lost everything including loved ones in the recent flooding.

Our churches are hands on - on the ground making a difference. We need at least £10K.Sign Up For 5th September Celebration Book Your Space On The Bus 

Look forward to getting alongside you in the word and alongside you in worship at one of these venues.

Keep praying - keep believing!

Andrew[yotuwp type="videos" id="KuwVftzowNU" ]



eNews | Sat 21st Aug '21


eNews | Fri 6th Aug '21