eNews | Fri 19th Feb '21

Dear e-News friends and church members,All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go!We wish to thank so many of you who send cards, gifts, and your best wishes as Sue and I celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary last week on Valentine's Day. We couldn't believe we had arrived at that point but felt the day was very special as we recounted God's utter faithfulness over the years.

Some asked how did you celebrate? Whilst we wished we could have gone to Tenerife (where we spent our honeymoon), Covid restrictions meant otherwise, so we were all dressed up with nowhere to go - other than a candle-lit dining room and a Thai takeaway.

Some people have felt the church to be like that in this season. We are all dressed up but nowhere to go.But it has in fact been the most globe travelled season via zoom. Even today I met with significant leaders from Singapore, later today we host a zoom conference for our new partner churches from around 20 new nations, and a few weeks ago we hosted our first zoom Indian Apostolic conference.The same is true in terms of fellowship. The growth groups continue to form with people from so many diverse places. For our kids, this is nothing new. I would often walk into my youngest sons’ bedroom to find him gaming with friends from Russia or Japan.But now we are all ‘zoomsters’, international travellers, and simply friends with people from all over.Whilst the world pressed 'lockdown' God pressed 'unlock'.I know we all miss seeing each other, remember hugs?Yet we have so many opportunities that we simply must not miss.Use your social media to reach out, touch base, invite in, pray for, tell your story, and include others. There are so many who are more open now than ever before.I anticipate that we will be able to hold some kind of real-life meetings around May, and we are already thinking about that.In the meantime we won’t waste a second, we want MORE. More of God, more souls saved, more fruit and growth in our lives, more influence, and more opportunity to be even more effective.To that end, we start 7 days of Prayer and Fasting from the 22nd February '21 with the theme being ‘more’.Each day the leadership team will send out an early morning e-News to encourage and include you in the prayer points.Please do all you can to participate with us as much as you can.There will be lots of prayer meetings on the Destiny Church Facebook page and in other places. Watch out for details. This weekend we continue 'Thriving (Not Surviving)' with the theme: Audacious Prayer setting us up for the week ahead.Church Online  Look forward to seeing you over the weekend.We love you, stay safe and blessed,Andrew


eNews | Day 1 | Prayer & Fasting Feb'21


eNews | Fri 12th Feb '21