eNews | Fri 28th Jan

Dear eNews family and friends,
Touching heaven changing earth
 NOTHING is more powerful than PRAYER.The church is the only thing on earth that is equipped and ‘tooled up’ to deal with things in the spiritual realm.Dark forces are at work in our world bringing chaos, fear and anxiety. God wants US to change that.Our number one way of doing this is through prayer and fasting. We are calling all our church family to pray and fast with us this coming week.Your involvement is essential and crucial. It was John Wesley who said, it seems as if God will do nothing unless someone asks him. Then, the prayers of AGREEMENT add more faith to the fight. Remember Jesus told us  
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."Matthew 18:19 
God has given us a mandate to reach our cities and regions beyond.God wants us the church to be evangelistically potent and prophetically relevant, and that doesn’t mean good at prophesying but good at bringing solutions from the unseen kingdom of God into the here and now.God has answers and solutions for the pain and suffering all around us.Hope hubs are being developed as we speak with the first one opening the 8th of March.
One in worship but many in ministry needs power from on high.
 Let’s come together this week and touch heaven so that we can change earth. Please fast as much of this week as you can. S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself further than you have fasted before.Fasting is an expression of human humility. God matters more than our stomachs.We can’t do anything without God.Let’s humble ourselves before God almighty that we can stand up strong before demonic forces, push back the darkness from our homes, schools, communities, and herald in the light, life, love and power of God. Each day we will be focusing on one key Word and concept and then praying into and around that with a daily devotional enews arriving in your inbox everyday. 
Join us each day in prayer and come to as much of the power hour opportunities that you can.These are available in person and online.
All online prayer moments can be joined via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 825 3294 0906

Passcode: Letspray

See you on the other side,Andrew


Week of Prayer & Fasting Day 1 Devotional


eNews | Fri 10th Dec 21'