eNews | Prayer & Fasting Day 1 | 22nd Nov 21'

Dear Church Family, 

Welcome to this the first day of our 7 day prayer and fasting week. Today as we pray and fast, we should: 
A ‘look’ can be a spontaneous reaction.A sudden noise, a flash, a bang, or a shout turns our heads to look. There is a great deal going off around us at the moment that seeks to draw that look.The worsening covid stats, the clash of freedom rights verses government control, the uncertain future, the personal, family, or church challenges.But a look can be deliberate, purposeful, intentional. At times we want to look at something, we may study a painting, a piece of work in the laboratory, or the project we are building. This kind of look is intended to assess, perceive and ingest information. Today as we start our week of prayer and fasting let’s look with all our hearts unto our Father in heaven and to our Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of this church.This kind of looking should draw out at least three things within us.
Gratitude. As we look we remember, that just like this verse says he has saved us from our sins. For many of us, he has saved us from addiction, despair, and even death. There are several people around this church who would not be here if God had not intervened with His mighty power. For all of us, he has saved us from the judgment we are due and set us free. All of us have so many things to be thankful for.Pray today naming and listing these things before God. Worship. As we look we not only see what He has done but who He is. Let your day be filled with worship today, regardless of the distractions going on, look and live. Worship Jesus today for all that he is. Reflect on passages like Revelation 1:10-18 for inspiration.We heard yesterday how significant worship actually is.If as we looked at Revelation yesterday, conclude that we have lost our first love, then let’s come back today and lift His name above every other situation.It’s His church and we are His people.
Faith for going forwards. According to this day’s verse, those who look are saved. We are first saved from our sins, and then as we trust God he saves us in every situation we face in life. Sometimes he saves us from them and sometimes he saves us through them. Either way, we come through strong.As we look to Him, we find faith for our future. The plans and visions he gave us are yet to be fulfilled. Jeremiah’s famous prophecy tells us: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Jeremiah 29:11 Walk through this day in the presence of God.
Pray today
  • With grateful and worshipful hearts. Fill the day with thanksgiving both from your own life and for his amazing goodness to us as a church through these last two very difficult years.
  • Lift the name of Jesus over your health/finances/future. 
  • Declare Jesus to be Lord over the church. 
  • He is Lord over Andrew & Sue, the pastors, and staff, all the volunteer leaders. Over our finances and property, over present challenges.
  • Ask God with faith to prepare us for the bright and strong future He has for both you and your family and for us as a church family
Love you guys, Andrew 



eNews | Prayer & Fasting Day 2 | 23rd Nov 21'


eNews | Fri 19th Nov '21