eNews | Fri 5th Nov '21

Dear e-News friends & church family, 

After the storm

Standing when everything shakesHealing when everything hurts

I am writing this e-News from London.Sue & I have been meeting at Lambeth Palace with the Archbishop of Canterbury - Justin Whelby and his lovely wife Caroline, Nicky Gumble, and a few other key leaders from around the U.K.It’s very clear that so many have experienced huge challenges and significant difficulties in this season., huge upheaval everywhere.  And then there are have been personal storms within that big storm.Both the world and the churches have been shaken.Yet, there is a huge sense of God’s faithfulness, a sense of the new day coming and God getting us, the churches ready for a harvest.And we kept hearing of people having to lean into God like no other time, and finding that his word is more than enough for strength and breakthrough.We are also hearing of how the Holy Spirit is supernaturally positioning people just like he did with Joseph into new positions of influence for the sake and well-being of others.We heard from a lovely Christian Baroness Philippa Stroud who sits in the House of Lords. She changed the course of the budget two weeks ago making sure that most of those losing the £20 uplift in universal credit were compensated in other ways.We also heard from Sir Paul Marshall, Christian Businessman and philanthropist on his work with ARK schools and education and truthful news through the ‘unheard’ news feed.This Sunday we are talking about one of the most precious themes in the Bible- the balm of Gilead.Spoken of by Jeremiah, this costly ointment had remarkable healing properties. Even to the healing of the nation.Are you troubled?Are you feeling bruised?Are you finding the moment deeply unsettling?Then you need ‘the balm of Gilead’I know that this word will encourage us all immensely.

ENCOUNTER.Nothing changes our hearts like the presence of God, Sunday night is all about Jesus.Come join us for a Holy Spirit evening.Time set aside just to meet with him and one another.All invited- hope to see you there!We love you guys- praying for you constantly,Andrew & Sue



eNews | Fri 12th Nov '21


eNews | Fri 29th Oct '21