eNews | Thu 27th August '20

Dear e-News friends and church members,The Price Of Gold - The Value Of Life"Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance." - Isaiah 55:2Over these last months the price of gold has rocketed, it’s at an all-time high.In uncertain times people search for certainty, best bets and safe investments. Adverts for gold coins or gold investments have appeared all over the TV and internet.I spoke to a gold coin collector recently who explained to me that the value of a gold coin is not simply in its gold content, but in many other factors, such as which mint in the world made it, the number of times it was pressed in the making so producing a ‘proof’ coin, how likely is it to be faked, and how many coins were produced in that particular run.People want the authentic, the unique and the rare.It’s one thing to ask what are you spending your money on?It’s a bigger question to ask what are you spending your life on?This pandemic is changing priorities for very many people, as they ask, ‘is the life I’ve got the one I want?’They are searching for certainty, the authentic and not the fake, and for something that really does give meaning and purpose.We were not the first to ask that question for we can see from our opening verse that God has asked it before.A number of years ago, Sue and I had opportunity to gather with some others and listen to the then Honduran president.He told his story.Before becoming president, he had been the CEO of their national bank. In an awful moment his 20 year old son was kidnapped and held for ransom. The president told us that he would have been willing to rob his own bank to get his son back, but in the event, they killed him.He quit his job, sunk into depression and realised all the success in banking meant nothing. He lost something or someone far more precious than any gold or bullion.Friends helped him get back into relationships, and he started helping out at youth clubs, supporting other young people who had little or no opportunity. He never thought that doing this would end up more rewarding than a high salary and a powerful job.His friends continued to encourage him to turn his pain into somebody else’s healing, and by the time we met him, one thing had led to another and now he was the president of his country, trying to make a difference.God often helps us locate ourselves by asking direct questions.He asked Adam, ‘where are you?’He asked Moses ‘what is in your hand?’He asked Jeremiah ‘What do you see?’And He’s asking many people, "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy?"In our key verse God makes a huge promise, the promise of having or possessing food that satisfies and a life that fulfils and fulfils abundantly.The key to this life? Listening.Join me this Sunday as I unpack this thought much further, but in the meantime:
  • Notice how friendship changed the presidents’ life from depression to purpose. We need each other, people need you. Please keep building those friendship houses this Sunday as we invite some or visit with others to watch and connect in our homes with church online together. Who could you invite to be with you this weekend? It just might mean the difference between life and death for that person. Regrettably we have heard of two deaths of young people just this week, who had some connection with the church. Depression, isolation and emptiness are big killers.
  • Break bread with us later in the day. We have made it our point of contact every single week during this pandemic lock down, and we have many testimonies coming in of healing, salvation, provision and breakthroughs.
  • Help if you can. The need to help with the food bank, hot food catering, youth, kids, drivers and home visitors has never been greater. Over 50,000 people have now received help in one way or another from the church through these last few months.

You can volunteer here.You can connect with church online here.You can locate, offer, find or attend a friendship house here.You can give here.We love you guys, see you on the weekend,Andrew & Sue


eNews | Thurs 3rd Sept '20


eNews | Thu 20th August '20