eNews | Fri 23rd Oct '20

Dear e-News friends and church members,Invited To BelieveSome determined people stayed up late to watch the US presidential debate last night. Two very opposing views of the American future were offered.VP Biden said that America should get ready for a ‘very dark winter’ President Trump offered ‘we have rounded the corner and we will come back bigger and better’. It’s now up to the American people to decide who runs their country for the next 4 years.In a similar way, the Bible frequently compares fundamental choices we must all make.On more than a few occasions in the New Testament, 2 phrases are contrasted. On some occasions, we read 'unless I see', famously said by Thomas, but also many times by the Pharisees. Jesus rebuked them for always wanting a sign before their hearts would believe. But we also read 'come and see', said amongst others by the women at the well.God always invites us to come and see, or to come and taste, or to come and drink.God always invites us to believe, come close, and trust Him.The one response is a sceptical ‘Aye right’, whilst the other is ‘you just don’t know what you’re missing’.The very famous messianic chapter of Isaiah 53 opens with 'Who has believed our report?'Well, every time I read that I verbally shout out ‘I do Lord’. I will believe your report.And it looks like many others have also. This week we have had remarkable testimonies some of which we will share at the 5PM breaking of bread service. They include cancer disappearing and after a day of Prayer & Fasting by the women in the church for couples who wanted a family but told that they can’t have kids, the miracle is happening! To date 5 babies on the way, including twins.There were over 40 significant testimonies we heard last week. 'Come and see' is a message we need to shout from the rooftops.We are also delighted to introduce Claudia Lopez this week. Claudia studied medicine and then came to the UK to do a specialist degree in medical genetics but has now become our new Destiny Kids Team Leader. She will facilitate and help the already excellent kids team and take that vital ministry to another level again. They are also helped by Matt and Victoria who presently live in Dallas, as top-class content is created.We are very excited about the new season for our kids and youth going forward.Church OnlineThe Friendship Cafes are up and running in our buildings, and as many as wish are getting the opportunity to come and physically meet friends in a safe environment. You can book your space here.Friendship CafeWe have also been able to send £10,000 to the amazing JAM ministry after our campaign at the Surge conference, where we gave under the heading ‘Black Children’s Lives Matter’. We know that they will use it very well to feed and look after young children.Look forward to being with you over the weekend.We love you guys,Andrew & Sue


eNews | Fri 30th Oct '20


eNews | Fri 16th Oct '20