eNews | Friday 14 May

Dear eNews Friends & Family,

 "Every Promise he has made has been kept; not one has failed"
Joshua 23:14 (GNT)


'what is a love marriage?' 

As the world lurches from one big challenge to the next, it’s extremely comforting to know that God hasn’t changed, will not be changing, and intends to keep and fulfil every promise he has ever made.This last year, Sue and I celebrated 40 years of marriage.Once whilst walking the streets of an Indian village on our way back from visiting the orphanage, we found ourselves invited into a retired Army Major’s home. They had two lovely daughters in their late teens. We sat in their home drinking Chai, and the girls sat at our feet mesmerised.Then, the eldest of the two asked us a question we had never been asked before, Was yours a love marriage?’ She asked.As our two cultures collided over something as significant as marriage, I realised that we often take so much for granted. For this girl an arranged marriage was already being prepared with a man she hadn’t yet met.It made me think 'what is a love marriage?'We can describe the physical attractions, the emotional attachments or the sense of finding someone you wish to spend the rest of your life with.But the bottom line is this, marriage is a set of promises.We call them vows.40 years ago, Sue and I made promises to one another. Our family and friends witnessed that fact, the register was duly signed, a certificate granted, and off we went into a lifelong adventure.I have a marriage certificate but haven’t looked at it for a very long time, it’s not the substance of our marriage.The promises are!By God’s grace we try to keep, and have kept those promises one to another, and that’s not because we have to but because we want to.THAT is the essence of a love marriage.Similarly, God has entered into a relationship with us, not because he had to, but because he wanted to, and just as in a marriage, God has committed himself to us in this relationship through promises.All of which he intends to keep. We will be able to say just like Joshua, not one has failed.So, whilst the world shakes and lurches from the one crisis to the next, we can gain great comfort from knowing that our lives are firmly established on something far better, God and His word.Our present series daring faith is intended to maximise this truth and pull out our potential.This is the day that the prophet Habakkuk spoke of - a day of great shaking in the world around but there are those who are defined by that famous verse, "The just shall live by faith".As well as looking forward to a significant weekend there are 3 things that we need to let you know about


Alongside our accountability partners at GKPN, we are looking to bring three Ukrainian families over here to take care of them for a year. They are believers coming from a bombed-out church and destroyed homes.This is church to church help.Likely to be a mother and two or three children or youth, whilst the men folk of age are all fighting for their freedom.Do you have room or an extra property that you could make available? We as a church will wrap around to provide much of the support needed.

Tuesday 17th May, 7.30pm

Next week we are re-introducing our family forums. A time to chat about church matters, including changes, vision, plans, finances and praise reports.If you are a part of Destiny or wishing to be, then you are invited.This is an in-person service on Tuesday night, in the city location,  but live streamed to Shawlands and other venues. Hope to see you there.Stand strong on the word and immovable in your faith.We need to doubt our doubts and double down on our beliefs.THANK YOU MEAL FOR CHILDREN'S WORKERS AND LEADERSSunday night we are saying thank you to all of those who have served in the children’s ministry over such a difficult period, we are truly grateful to all of you. Please join us as we celebrate all that this team does for our children.See you on the weekend, believing for another awesome and significant time.Love you guysAndrew & Sue


eNews | Friday 20th May


Weekend of Prayer & Fasting | Day 3 | Sunday 1st May