eNews | Friday 20th May

Dear eNews Friends & Family,

"For in this month the Lord your God brought you out of Egypt by night"Deuteronomy 16:1

It was under the cover of darkness that God delivered Israel from the terrible bondage of Egypt. Moses is pointing this fact out to the new generation about to enter the land.God uses darkness for your good!We have been through a ‘dark night’ of immense global challenges and for many, personal difficulties. Yet in that darkness God has been at work doing a good thing.We are being readied and prepared for a big season coming.Someone once prayed, ‘God why are you taking me through such difficult flood waters? God replied, ‘Because your enemies can’t swim’The Egyptians couldn’t swim either as the red sea closed in over them and set Israel free.God is bringing you through to a new place and bringing us through to a significant season.As we teach on ‘daring faith’, let’s make sure that we

‘doubt our doubts and never doubt our faith in an unshakable God’.
Family Forum

We were all so encouraged this week as we held our first family forum since lockdown.So many people joined together by live stream from various in-person locations.It was a good opportunity to talk about finances, governance updates and so many praise reports of increase and growth across the many ministries of the church - even through these challenging days. Every need has been met, every bill has been paid,God is good and faithful.We also noted that we have some ground to make up in our financial giving, especially our offerings. Please consider increasing your offering at this time, (or start giving if this is a new idea to you). A huge thank you to everyone who has been so faithful with their tithes and with their offerings.We also made 3 big requests and announcements:

Commitment to support 3 Ukranian Families 

Along with our partner churches at GKPN, we have committed to bring 3 Ukrainian families for a year, helping a mum and kids flee the war zone.

Our pledge is to look after them for a year, providing all that we are able in meeting their needs, which not only includes food and housing, but counselling and love for the trauma that they have endured.We need 3 homes. One has already been kindly offered, do you have either a free flat or house that they could use, or room available in your own home.Please let me know at pa@destiny-church.com if you can help. 

Outreach weekend with Jonathan Conrathe, Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th June
We have very special guest speaker over the first weekend in June.Johnathon is an evangelist who has seen hundreds of thousands of people come to Christ and 6 people raised from the dead, the last one being recently.
If you know anyone sick, hurting, lost or anxious-bring them! We have a great weekend planned:
  • Friday night 3rd June, 7.30pm - Outreach Destiny Edinburgh Leith Location
  • Friday night 3rd June - Youth outreach with Johnathon’s team, Destiny Glasgow SS location
  • Saturday 4th June 10 am- Destiny Glasgow, city location, 10.00-12.00 noon personal evangelism training with Johnathon Conrathe, open to ALL.
  • Sunday Morning 5th June, 11am - All locations. Johnathan speaks to all locations via livestream
  • Sunday night 5th June, Encounter, 6pm -  Destiny Glasgow Southside location. A very special encounter evening with Johnathon


Leaders Away Day

We are delighted to be able to host an in-person leaders away day on the 18th of June.We will have with us our full new external advisory board, inputting, sharing and encouraging all of our leadersPlease don’t miss this moment.If you are leading within the church please keep an eye on your email for more info.

Destiny eNews

As we move forward, this eNews is going to be a key way of communicating information across the church, please make sure everyone you know is signed up for it, and that it doesn’t end up in their junk folder.

As Paul said to Timothy - 'Fight the good fight of faith', we are coming through!We love you guys.See you at the weekend,Andrew

eNews | Friday 27th May


eNews | Friday 14 May