eNews | Day 2 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21

Dear e-News friends and church members,Day 2 Prayer & Fasting

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" - Matthew 7:11

Jesus demonstrates the incredible goodness of our perfect God towards His children by comparing it with the care and concern that a human parent has towards their own offspring.He reasons that if a human parent who is a fallen being is capable of caring for their children and gives them good things, HOW MUCH MORE will our Heavenly Father show consideration of His children, and bestow good things on them.

In this passage, the Lord is arguing from the lesser to the greater from the imperfect to the perfect. If a fallen human parent, who has a sin nature, is capable of showing love, care, and consideration to their child who asks them for something, HOW MUCH MORE will our Holy, Heavenly Father, who loves with an everlasting  love, bestow His gifts and grace on His blood boughtchildren?The Lord Jesus reminds us that we are to ask God for the things we need and to keep on asking because He is a good and gracious Father to His children and has promised to provide all we need.  So stand fast on the word of TRUTH, by asking God for all we need and expecting Him to answer.

  1. Pray and ask for more power of the Holy Spirit on all the believers, that they will move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit with words of knowledge, and miracles.
  1. Pray and ask for more salvation in every location; such as blocks of flats where people are captivated by fear and loneliness. For people that have lost their businesses and for the multitudes in the valley of decisions. (Joel 3:14).
  2. Pray and ask for more joy of the Lord to catch the heart of every believer. To be protected from the virus, so that they will rejoice and testify of God’s deliverance to their friends, family and neighbours.
  3. Pray and ask for more connections around the world to be brought about and established by God, according to (Revelation 5:10). Every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and "they will reign on the earth."
  4. Pray and ask for more blessing and anointing on the social action activities, with Barry and Kathy Nicholson, that the ministry will be enlarged to reach many people, and the team will grow with loving and faithful people.  "All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." - Galatians 2:10

Praying with you.God bless,Ivan

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eNews | Day 3 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21


eNews | Day 1 | Prayer & Fasting Feb'21