eNews | Day 6 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21

 Day 6 Prayer & FastingDear e-News friends and church members,"Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!" - Romans 8:37 TPTGood morning! Here’s a great verse to start your day!These words are written in the New Testament for persecuted believers. Today I would say communities, the elderly, students, and families are hard-pressed but we can unpack, claim and work with the truth hidden in the words here. It starts with a statement! Faith rises when we say it out loud and we get to enjoy what we say!We are more than conquerors means: we gain a decisive victory, we vanquish - in contest, conflict, or competition. It means we are above average, we are over, and that we can get across and go beyond any hurdle. To be more than conquerors means: we overcome and have current success today, this week, this month.The phrase through Christ - says it’s because of Him and it’s by Him - He’s the author and the accomplice. We discover He’s the Master and the means of our day-to-day life. Christ wants to be in our work and in our witness.Are you aware that God declares this over you? This is His heart, this is His promise. His input makes us more than conquerors. We thank God for the teaching, counselling, food bank, and fellowship that’s ready and waiting for us. But let’s not keep it to ourselves. We believe His love for us will be extended through us - there’s room for more! Find a way to share today!Share The Destiny Church Linktree

  1. Pray that God will increase your success as you invite friends and family to church online, prayer meetings, growth groups, and serving teams.
  2. Pray that your friends and family involve with fellowship, teachings, and ministries together.
  3. Pray that we all invest in someone both personally and corporately to enjoy more community, support, and salvation across the church and our communities.


Believing in you and for you!

Be blessed!Sue

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eNews | Day 7 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21


eNews | Day 5 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21