eNews | Day 5 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21

Dear e-News friends and church members,Day 5 Prayer & FastingDear e-News friends & church members,"And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty"Matthew 13:23I am so glad we have a God who speaks. He's not distant but desires to be intimately involved in our lives.This has been a week of seeking God, leaning into Him and His word.God is speaking - what has He said to you this week?He is sowing seeds of hope that brings light into a dark world.He is sowing seeds of encouragement that lifts our heavy burdens.He is sowing seeds of instruction that leads us forward through the challenges of today.He is sowing seeds of faith that moves us into the opportunities of tomorrow.And when God speaks, when He sows His word into our lives - He does so with great expectation.His word never returns to Him void. It is always sent with purpose. In fact - the sole purpose of every promise from God is for them to be fulfilled in ours lives!The question is - are we in the position to receive and to cultivate that word?Will it produce something in our lives? Will its intended purpose be fulfilled?God certainly expects it to - we should too!As we pray today let's focus in on what God has been saying to us, let’s take hold of His promises for the coming season, and let’s match our expectation with His - that it will produce!Let's pray for:

  1. Wisdom and boldness to take hold of new opportunities to share our faith and the good news of the gospel with others.
  2. A hunger within our kids, youth, and students for the Word of God and to see it produce amazing fruit in their lives.
  3. That our expectation and faith will match Gods when it comes to believing for souls to be added to His kingdom - and that we see a mighty harvest in the coming days.

Bless you,


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eNews | Day 6 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21


eNews | Day 4 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21