eNews | Day 4 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21

Dear e-News friends and church members,Day 4 Prayer & FastingWho can you help today? Who can you tell today?“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ -- Matthew 25:40“For what good will it do a person if he gains the whole world, but forfeits his soul? Or what will a person give in exchange for his soul?” - Matthew 16:26Years ago, I heard someone say something that has stuck with me:“Life is measured not by its duration but by its donation”Someone else said:“When all is said and done, what has actually been said and what has actually been done?”While we are not all called to be evangelists, or all called to mercy ministries, all of us can play our part in the proclaiming of the gospel and acts of kindness towards others.What will you do today that will echo into eternity?Could you:•    Check on a neighbour?•    Reconnect with an old friend?•    Drop some food into the food bank?•    Call someone who is isolated?•    Send a verse to a friend who needs encouragement?•    Have Easter cards ready to send with the gospel message to friends who need Jesus?•    Share your story online?•    Pray for someone who is sick?Please pray with me today:1.    That we will all see church online as a mission field with our own families and friends as the harvest.2.    That the church will excel in acts of compassion. Towards each other and into our wider communities.3.    That our growth groups would be places we find easy to bring friends to.4.    For us to see more people baptised into Christ through water baptism this year than last year.5.    For us all to experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit and constant refilling.

It is such an encouragement to know we are all praying into these things together!

Keep going!Craig 

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eNews | Day 5 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21


eNews | Day 3 | Prayer & Fasting Feb '21