eNews | Sat 17th July '21

Dear e-News friends & church members,

Taking Ground

 What does taking ground look like for you? I met an elderly man this week who said that just coming out of his house after 18 months of lockdown was a huge step for him - that was taking ground.We have an elderly friend who is fighting cancer in his spine, every day he gets up to take ground, he’s full of faith and courage.Many of our youth gathered last weekend for their first missions trip - they were taking ground. They had a wonderful time of waiting on God, many were filled with the Holy Spirit, and out they went to the streets and the park offering to talk to or pray with anyone, what courage. That really was taking ground. For some folks just coming back to a live meeting at church will be taking ground. For others just to take a step that’s in line with their true values and convictions when all around are moving in the opposite direction would be really taking ground. For some of us readjusting our priorities will be taking ground, making a shift from the family survival mode forced by Covid, to daring to live and make a difference in the lives of others. Finding our gifts and finding our service again - that will be taking ground.Yet for others, simply admitting that they got it wrong or that they need help is taking ground.And for all of us taking ground truly begins when we come to the end of ourselves and the beginning of God.In one way or another, we all know we should be taking ground. This week in our penultimate part of our series,  we will talk about "The Exchanged Life".In a few short verses in the 24th chapter of Joshua, we discover God uses the personal pronoun no less than 17 times. We read "I sent, I came, I gave, I delivered". In other word’s anything good that happened to them was all God.The same is true for us, anything good that has happened is all God. He saved us, healed us, maybe rescued our marriages, or delivered our kids. He filled us with the Holy Spirit and it’s God that has given to us eternal life. God hasn’t changed - He’s just as good today, just as powerful, just as able, and just as willing. Join us Sunday for church online or an in-person service. Live preaching is back, worship is starting up, and that all-important personal connection is being thoroughly enjoyed again. We are your family-welcome home!See you Sunday at either City, Shawlands, or Gorgie.Andrew & Sue 


eNews | Fri 23rd July '21


eNews | Fri 9th July '21