eNews | Fri 23rd July '21

Dear e-News friends and family,Here’s something to think about in the middle of our wonderful sunshine.

Let down those nets!

"When He (Jesus) stopped speaking, He said to Simon,‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch"Luke 5:5“I’m in deep water” usually speaks of trouble and distress.This last year has been like that for so many. Covid turned up unannounced and changed our lives in so many devastating ways.But deep water can also speak of opportunity.Having used Simon Peter’s boat as a pulpit to speak to the crowds, Jesus now encourages Peter to get out of the shallows and push out into deep water.This was not such a big ask for an experienced fisherman, who was used to deep water.But that was where the first problem lay. Peter’s experience told him that this instruction was pointless. He had tried all night, and besides the fish he usually caught were caught in darkness or dim light, not in the bright glaring daylight.Oftentimes, when God wants to do something new in our lives our experience gets in the way. We’ve tried that before, we might say.Simon Peter, even though as yet didn’t know who Jesus really was, shows a remarkable quality, he was open and up for it.Are you open to a new adventure with God? Are you up for it?If you are then you could be on the cusp of your biggest breakthrough ever.We also see that Peter placed high value on the Words of Jesus, we read ‘but I will do as you say’, even though his experience said otherwise.Every time God wants to do a miracle He will always first speak a word into it. If you want a breakthrough get a word on it - open your Bible search out the promises and ask God to speak to you.Thirdly, there was purpose in the instruction, the aim was to get a catch.We read that God promises everything in the end will work together for good BUT only for a certain kind of person, they are those who love God and who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).God placed you here for a purpose, find your purpose and you will find your life.You only have one life so make it a life worth living.A new season is opening up for us all, let’s find focus, faith, and each other in it.Come join us this Sunday at one of our live meetings.

 See you Sunday,Andrew & Sue


eNews | Fri 30th July '21


eNews | Sat 17th July '21