eNews | Wed 16th June '21

Dear e-News friends and family, 

We are living through very dark times, do you need a breakthrough? If so, the Bible teaches us that there is more than one way to unlock God’s saving and rescuing power. Try this:
“He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honours Me; And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God.” - Psalm 50:23
In the Old Testament the thanksgiving sacrifice was one of many offerings spoken of in Leviticus 7, this offering celebrated God’s deliverance and mighty power.The thanksgiving offering celebrated the relationship one can have with God himself. It was also different to the other offerings in this respect, the person bringing this offering was to eat some of it himself as if he was eating and fellowshipping with God!
Thanksgiving involved lavish tokens on the part of the worshipper. He would offer an animal of significant value with grain. It was like a sit-down banquet with God. They acknowledged that they were to give their best to God, but also realised that He gave them the right hand of fellowship. In so doing He would open heaven with a continuous supply and reach out with His powerful right hand to defeat their enemies.
All the Old Testament offerings find their final fulfillment in Jesus, only He is the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. But these thank offerings continue in different ways.
  • They continue when we have a heart full of thanks and a mouth full of praise. I notice in scripture that when David faced his fiercest battles and called on God for help, he would always start such cries with praise and thanksgiving.
  • They continue in our giving, which is why Paul encourages such in his letter to the Corinthians.
  • They continue when we are generous one to another.

There is no doubt that presently we are in intense spiritual warfare. I have only on a few occasions in my life seen it like this. I know that others of you are feeling it too.When we won our court case in Edinburgh, we must understand that we were not taking on the council, we were taking on principalities and powers in the heavenly realms.Also, as we are coming out of lockdown the church in the world is facing severe challenges and we are no exception.We are presently facing significant challenges in one of our churches. I take comfort that Jesus said He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. It is Jesus’ church, and He is well able to bring it through any storm or trial.It is so important at this time to keep in the word, don’t let a day go by without receiving a word from God into your heart. Further, walk with integrity. Notice the above verse also said, 'who orders his way aright'? Nothing built on the sands of deception will ever last. In the end, the hidden things of darkness will all come out into the light, and then everything built on it will come tumbling down.We should also at all times guard our hearts, don’t let bad seed take root and instead plant good seed of faith for a future harvest.I am also grateful for the various words people have given us at this time. Every one of them so encouraging and enlightening.We often take weeks of prayer and fasting, and we will again soon. Our intercessors' team is pressing in hard into God under Ivan’s leadership.But let’s use these few days this week to be thankful and grateful, let’s bless God for the great victory last week, and the many more victories coming ahead including yours!In fact, we read that thank offerings make a way for God to do more, more for us, more in us and more through us.Consider sending someone who needs your love and support a small gift, a card, a cake, or flowers. Tell them you are praying for them standing with them.Consider giving an additional thank you gift into the legacy missionary fund. That fund is doing well, with extra funds coming in from compensation paid out. So, the suggestion is not made because of its great need, but because it gives you and me a wonderful opportunity to say THANK YOU GOD!We love you, and we're praying for you.See you at the weekend,Andrew & Sue

Our story has been featured on the BBC/Herald/Evening standard, many other newspapers, radio across the UK and the world and American press and TV.It’s now featured in Decision magazine which is the largest evangelical magazine in the world - and it is their number one featured story. 

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