eNews | Thurs 23rd July '20

Dear e-News friends and church members,What Matters Most?There is no doubt many people are reflecting on the direction and meaning of their lives.Huge numbers of people have already said that they will not be returning to their office to work and will continue to work from home as family time has become so important.There are not many things in life more important than being a part of your children’s childhood.This question is also very important for us as a church and church family.What matters most?As we answer this question it’s shaping our response and steps into the new normal. Already our buildings found new functions as we minister into the community with foodbags and hot food supplies.

One thing is for sure, nothing will ever be the same again. And whilst we come to terms with change and adjustment, we are also very aware of many new opportunities for the gospel.The shape of church is changing, but God and His Word never change, and who we, and all that we stand for doesn’t change. But it might mean we will need to do things differently.Fellowship matters greatly. During this next month we are encouraging all our Growth Groups to physically meet where possible, complying with government guidelines on numbers and practices.

Gathering together is important also, although it’s style might change. We are planning to introduce meetings with limited numbers from Sunday 13th September. That will be exactly 181 days since the lockdown began. We have lots to work through making sure everyone is kept safe, and we see regulations and rules changing daily. The meetings will have to be smaller, and will mean that not everyone will be able to come in person, BUT we are continuing with church online for the foreseeable future. This meeting will be in Glasgow and in our own buildings only. It’s unlikely that publicly owned buildings will be available for hire. For our churches further afield, we suggest that you continue meeting via growth groups and church online beyond this date.

Church Online 

Fellowship houses. For the first 300 years of the church’s existence they mostly met in homes. We would like all our homes to become fellowship houses. We mean by this in particular that you invite others to join you for church on Sunday in your home where you can watch church online together, pray for one another, break bread with each other.Children are both our future and current church. We are working on an excellent and outstanding once a month children’s church and family outreach. Watch out for further details.Winning the lost. Nothing matters more, and we are so encouraged by the thousands who have connected in this season, the many who have got saved AND filled with the Holy Spirit. We are learning fast how to evangelise online and then connect with these precious people and build them into our family. Many people are fearful, some have lost jobs, others are going hungry, some are grieving, all and everyone is concerned.All of us need to be bold with our faith, speak up and show up with love and practical care.Great opportunities await us - the harvest has never been greater or riper.Growing and developing. Out there in the world many people are having to learn new skills very fast. I spoke with an airline captain this week, a lifelong career pilot, who hasn’t been paid for 3 months. A new world awaits him. Others are changing careers just to stay in work.We need to keep learning and growing as Christians and church members. Why don’t you sign up for Destiny College this year?Hold onto your faith, pursue fellowship, stay in and on the word and accept the goodness of God.We will thrive not just survive in this the next chapter.We love you guys,Andrew


eNews | Thurs 30th July '20


eNews | Thurs 16th July '20