eNews | Thurs 30th July '20

Dear e-News friends and church members,
Manifold GraceAs far as I can recollect, we tend to only use this word manifold when speaking of a car part.Yet it’s one of the most significant words of our New Testament.Sometimes manifold is translated - various, diverse, or many kinds. It’s often used to speak of sicknesses, trials, or sins but Peter uses it to speak of grace.As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.1 Peter 4:10We love that word Grace, God’s unmerited favour.Sometimes people get confused between mercy and grace?Mercy is when God holds back what we DO deserve, butGrace is when God gives what we DON'T deserve.God’s grace towards us is manifold: it forgives, saves, protects, provides, leads and delivers. God wants us to experience all of it. David wrote in the Psalms 'taste and see that the Lord is good(Psalm 34:8). This reminds me of sampling all the various dishes in a good restaurant. God’s grace is like that, it never stops flowing, it never says ‘that’s enough’, it never says ‘you’ve been too often’, it’s always a more than enough grace.We have seen that grace from God flow towards us in abundance over these last 19 weeks.We have seen that grace:
  • Protect us, no one has died in our church family near or far, whilst sadly many have in the wider world.
  • Provide for us, both individually and corporately. All ministry needs have continued to be met-and often at times miraculously. So many testimonies have come in of God’s provision for many of our church including new jobs and new homes.
  • Heal us. Hundreds of people have been healed both through Sunday church and healing meetings online.
  • Save us, every single week people have got saved.
We have and will continue to experience the grace of God in total abundance.But in particular, Peter speaks of the special gift of grace that each and every one of us has received. You definitely have one, even if you haven’t discovered it yet.I’ve been so delighted to see that special gift in so many people manifest:
  • New teams making the awesome hot food and food bag ministry grow.
  • New online preachers and teachers proclaiming the word into Romania/Mexico/Africa.
  • New evangelists running Alpha in several languages.
  • New pastors pastoring people across the world on the internet.
  • New givers releasing resources with the rest of us.
  • New preachers from across the globe bringing us the word.
  • New teams making Church Online happen with so much creativity.
  • New worship teams and producers getting worship up and out.
  • New kids ministry blessing our families.
  • New online growth groups developing.
No wonder God says in His Word, 'Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?'Isaiah 43:19Our world has changed forever, the shape of church has changed but the grace of God knows no limit or boundary.I can’t wait to see what God is going to do through you and me next.This is our last week of Surge - I hope that you have enjoyed it?August is arriving, the lockdown may be lifting, and we are reaching for the next chapter. One thing is for sure we need you ALL onboard, ALL involved, ALL believing, ALL reaching.We need God’s power, but God needs manpower, and that embraces all of us.Bring someone with you to church online, and let’s get those friendship houses up and running.

Church Online 

We love you guys,Andrew


eNews | Thurs 6th August '20


eNews | Thurs 23rd July '20