eNews | Day 5 Prayer & Fasting | June '20

Dear e-News friends and church members,Believing with expectancy."Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and you will".(Mark 11:24)Yesterday we encouraged you to add your own prayer requests to the things we are praying and fasting for together.Did you do it?Well done!Now read the verse above out loud if you can.How good is that?Jesus said these words and recorded them in His word so we could know this promise remains in place for us today.Let me break Jesus' invitation in Mark 11:24 down for you.
  1. Ask in prayer.
  2. Believe you will receive.
  3. You will.

That's it!Now please remember.."God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?".(Numbers 23:19)You might want to make a note of that verse too.Thank you so much for joining with us on this journey of prayer and fasting.Maybe you are closing your fast today- great job. It could be you will continue a little longer, whatever you feel the Lord leading you to do.Pray with us over this weekend for:

  1. An abundant harvest of souls.
  2. For all the resources we need to meet the desperate needs in our communities.
  3. For the church family to be bold in sharing their hope as we have an opportunity.
  4. For Surge month to leave a tsunami of testimonies and praise reports.

Last thing, When your breakthrough comes - tell us about it.Praying for you, Craig.


eNews | Day 6 Prayer & Fasting | June '20


eNews | Day 4 Prayer & Fasting | June '20