eNews | Day 6 Prayer & Fasting | June '20

Dear e-News friends and church members,"The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reins it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. Meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens.”  - Romans 8:19 - 21
Well here we are, one day to go till Surge kicks off.A big well done to all of you as we reach the end of our week of prayer and fasting AND now, we are about to enter a phenomenal month of SURGE!Are you currently experiencing the joyful anticipation that we read above?Perhaps you’ve already got your breakthrough, maybe you’ve got that praise report to share, that testimony to start sharing. Get glorifying God, we want to hear how God has answered your prayers.
  • He doesn’t stop providing
  • He doesn’t stop healing
  • He doesn’t stop moving
And so, with that in mind are you ready to receive and step into all that God has for you this next month? Are we ready to be ‘…released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead...’?With Surge kicking off tomorrow morning at Church Online at 11:00 lets pray over the following:
  • For our wonderful media team and that all the technical aspects of the conference and that God has His way in all of it.
  • The speakers and hosts as we receive life changing words in season.
  • For new disciples, new connections, and growth like never before.
  • We all receive our SOUL PURPOSE.
This is not to be missed, make sure you get signed up and registered (even if you have already registered from last year).
You’ll also notice that on the content schedule we have that special rendition of Romans 8 from this year’s Destiny College students. A huge congratulations to them!CONTENT SCHEDULE
What a week, and what a month that is coming ahead.Look forward to seeing you at Surge,Craig

eNews | Thurs 2nd July '20


eNews | Day 5 Prayer & Fasting | June '20