eNews | Thu 12th Nov '20

   Dear e-News friends and church members,Ideas Rule the World This was said by Disraeli a former British prime minister, but a truth known by everyone in power."Ideas are told through the narratives of movies, sung in songs in the charts, written into the backstory of novels, and propagated by politicians all over the planet.Ideas captivate the imagination, motivate the soul, and move a person to action.Ideas give a person something to live for, and for many people something they will die for.Ideas are invisible yet find life in the words of men and women, young and old, ideas are brought to life as they are told, repeated, spoken, and considered.Ideas don’t just hold the high ground of office, but ideas roll out around kitchen tables, café meetings, and pub pints.Ideas create enterprise, compose music, and one idea of a German couple has created a 90% effective vaccine against Covid it seems.Ideas are not born equal, some are horrendously designed for death and destruction, some are indifferent, nothing more than a ‘nice’ idea, but some ideas - these are revolutionary.God had an idea - and you were in it. That’s why you are here. The prophet expressed that idea when he said "the earth will be filled with the glory of God". Jesus expressed that idea, when He said "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it".  John the disciple expressed that idea when he said "what kind of love is this?"We would do well to examine the ideas that we hold, for these ideas will hold us.Discard the indifferent and fear-inducing, but embrace with all your might the God-glorifying, life-giving, faith enhancing ideas, for they will truly hold you tight.God’s idea was of a people, His people gathered and forming around the earth. All nations, all ages.We are not an adult church but a believers’ church - now that’s a good idea.Young and old - FAMILY, that one thing that we all have missed most in this dark season.We as the Destiny family are focusing, investing, and building our kids and youth ministry, and we need YOUR help.We are the church of today and we will be the strongest church of tomorrow. As we restructure, would all parents take time to complete and return the questionnaire on the link below and would all our Growth Group leaders follow through ensuring that we are accurate, up to speed, and ready with the correct information.Destiny Kids QuestionnaireGod has a wonderful plan for our kids and our grandkids, and for very many children and youth who will yet to come to know Him.This Friday is our GLOBAL day of prayer and fasting, and Sunday at the 5PM service is our opportunity to gather for prayer either at a friendship café in one of our buildings or online as we broadcast together.The EA UK (Evangelical Alliance) has also called a day of prayer and fasting for all their member churches (around 5,000) on Friday.So, God had an idea that His people would pray, He followed up that idea with a promise that He would hear and answer.We already have so many stories of answers to prayer, can’t wait to see what He will do next.Pray for our International Leader’s Day today and for our Indian Pastors conference on Friday.Love you guys,See you at the weekendAndrew


eNews | Fri 13th Nov '20


eNews | Fri 6th Nov '20