eNews | Fri 6th Nov '20

Dear eNews friends and church members, 

I’m wrestling with it

Some of us remember the Saturday afternoon sports channels filled with the very entertaining wrestling matches. Our screens flashed with famous names like Giant Haystacks, Mick McManus or Big Daddy. Only as we got older did we realise that most of it was an act, a drama, a great show.But there are some things in life we have to wrestle with. Wrestling with something is different from fighting against something. We fight against fear, sickness and a myriad of other things, especially when God offers a life-giving alternative.When we wrestle with something it means we may be trying to understand an idea, make a decision or be convinced of a matter. It may mean coming to accept something, change in an area, or move on from the past. We all wrestle with some things, probably on a frequent and regular basis.There was a man in the Bible who had a famous wrestling match that lasted all night, and many people think his opponent was Jesus Himself.We are referring to Jacob of course when on his return to the promised land he has this mysterious encounter. Some translations say he fought with a man, Hosea tells us that he fought with the angel of God, and many Bible scholars show that the angel of God in the Old Testament was a theophany, that is a physical appearance of Jesus Himself, like the 4th man in the fiery furnace, or Melchizedek who came out to meet Abraham with bread and wine.Wrestling with something is often a sign of an imminent breakthrough, a change of season or a new chapter in your life. That is, if we handle it well.This Sunday we have two great meetings coming up - don’t miss either of them.In the one, I am speaking on wrestling with God to the point of a breakthrough blessing,  and in the other, we Break Bread and interview two special guests and hear their stories.

Church Online

 Try and get to a Friendship Café if you can, but in any event, make sure you invite someone in on the moment. It’s never been easier to invite others to church with it being online.See you Sunday!We love you guys,AndrewP.S. Coming up:Day of Prayer & Fasting Friday, Nov 13th, VERY VERY important things to be praying into.


eNews | Thu 12th Nov '20


eNews | Fri 30th Oct '20